Information centre

The information centre “EcoMoscow” was established in the State Darwin museum in 2004 with the aim of providing interesting and useful information about nature and environmental issues of Moscow and Moscow Oblast. The centre has ten working places with computers where any visitor can explore various computer programmes, games, and photos dedicated to the nature of Moscow and Moscow Oblast.

We created a number of educational and entertaining programmes and games for visitors: "Nature of Moscow and Moscow Oblast", "Who left a footprint?", "Retrospective of Moscow", "Early flowering plants", "Fauna of Moscow and Moscow Oblast from A to Z", "Muscovite’s ecological passport", "Specially protected natural areas of Moscow", "The Moscow Red Book", "Environmental excursions", "Mysterious photos", "Flora of Moscow". There is also a slideshow on following topics: "Butterflies as an absolute beauty", "Birds of ponds, swamps and meadows in Moscow and Moscow Oblast", "Forest birds of Moscow and Moscow Oblast", "Mammals of Moscow and Moscow Oblast", "Beetles", "Amphibians", "Reptiles", "Spider world", "Mushrooms of Moscow Oblast", "Plant communities of Moscow and Moscow Oblast", "Seasons", "Walks in the Park".

The information centre “EcoMoscow” offers interactive activities for both adults and children.

The center works during museum's working hours:
daily from 10.00 to 18.00, except Monday and last Friday of the month.

Bogdanov Pavel, Senior Curator in Charge [email protected] + 7(495) 132-0202
Kontorshchikov Vitaly [email protected]

Адрес и часы работы музея:

117292, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 57
сегодня работаем с 10:00 до 18:00
Подробная информация


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